Frazer is a second generation Network Marketer. After attending his first event in 1987 in the womb of his mother, he went on to see his parents earn 8 figures from the industry.
In 2010 he decided to begin his career as a distributor and in 5 years was able to build a business of over 300,000 customers using social media!
After consulting with many companies and coaching leaders in different companies he made the decision to go 100% into generic coaching, speaking and consulting.
He is now known across the industry as the number one best speaker and trainer for social media inside of the Network Marketing profession.
Since January 2017 Frazer has been able to:
• Speak on stage in 22 different countries generically • Start Success Summit, the biggest generic event in Europe • Become one of the first generic trainers to speak on the GoPro stage • Run Europe’s #1 Community for Network Marketers The Ninja Networker • Is the best-selling author of the book “I Dare You” • And has helped hundreds of thousands of Networkers around the world to start, promote and grow their businesses online.

Why is Facebook Live so important?
The way we consume content on social media has been shifting heavily towards video over the last few years, and now, more than ever before, people will spend much of their time watching video. Not only will you be doing what your audience wants, but you will be able to share your personality with them.
Remember, you can’t read tonality, you can’t get to know someone from their photos. But through live video you can.
In fact, in December 2018 I spoke on the GoPro stage about social media and Facebook Lives. How did I get that opportunity? By consistently showing up on my Facebook Lives that Eric simply couldn’t ignore me.
Whenever you do Facebook Live it will have a good chance of shooting you towards the top of your connections newsfeeds and increases the possibility of your content being seen.
With the new stories feature live videos will appear at the front of the queue too.
This is super important for the following reasons:
1. MESSAGE – You can get your message in front of more people as the Live will be seen by more people in time than just an image, photo, text or even a pre-recorded video.
2. BRAND – The more people see your face the more they get to know you or want to get to know you.
3. ALGORITHM – Because more people are seeing your name and face, as well as engaging in your video, they will be more likely to see your next posts. The issue is that most of us are scared to go Live, simply because of not knowing what to talk about and how to go about it.
But that’s what this eBook is all about. Conquer this fear and you will be able to reach more people than you ever have before, all without having to leave home!

What Should I Talk About?
First things first, what the heck should I even talk about…
Well, think of all the Facebook Lives you have watched and continued to watch until the end? Maybe you watched because it was entertaining, involved family, was relevant, news update, or provided value.
Start to think what you think your target market would want to know about. But let’s start with what doesn’t work.
Going Live for 30 seconds, showing your children on the swings at the park or eating ice-cream sadly will not get you very far. Instead, take a selfie with them on the swing, or all eating ice-creams and use that as a “Lifestyle” post, something I go into detail on in another training.
Why doesn’t this work? Your target market probably isn’t looking for more children on swings, they are looking for ways to lose weight, travel more, fire their boss, or make some money. Most people will watch one of your Lives, if they like it, they will watch more, if they hate it, they will stop watching. Remember Facebook knows all of this. So, if someone watches 5 seconds of your Live and comes off it without liking or commenting, that says to Facebook the content you provided was not relevant to that user. It’s like you searching Google for hotels in New York, and them showing you a website for hotels in Moscow.
You need to be providing value or sharing results, and if it happens to be an incredible day and you are at the beach when doing it, then that’s a bonus. Remember my RVL principle (Results, Value Lifestyle). Focus on that, and those who like and watch your Lives will watch most of your content. Just don’t do it for 30 seconds, I will explain more a little bit later.
If you are looking for inspiration then use a website called Using this website you can search for any keyword, and it will show you a huge list of the most “Googled” searches for that keyword that the public make. This will give you a very good idea on what your audience is looking to gain knowledge on, so when they go onto Facebook and see you giving your angle on that topic, they will not only be likely to click to see more, but they will be engaged in the content as it is super relevant to them.
Just remember this, low effect is better than no effort. Do something, even just one live a month, it will be worth it.

The 8 Rules That Affects The Reach Of You Facebook
Doing the live is one thing, having a ton of people seeing it is another…
You will probably notice, if you are in Network Marketing, you will probably see a post of mine on Facebook at least once a week. How is that? It doesn’t seem to work for everyone else… …because I have mastered the art of knowing what Facebook loves to see on their newsfeed, and now it’s your time.

RULE #1: The Delivery. This is rule number one for a reason and will take you some time to master. But with experience comes confidence which will lead to you not having a problem with this.
I challenge you to go onto Facebook and see those who are crushing it on Facebook Lives, chances are their delivery of the content is much better than that of others.
People will forget the words you say, but not the way you say it! Think of music, most of us don’t know the words to most songs, but we remember the beat of it. We can hum the song, but not sing it. Same applies here. You have to be you times 2. Video has the tendency to absorb your energy and make you sound a bit quieter and therefore a bit boring to listen to.
This is easier said than done, but you must change your state. Tony Robbins is the best at this, so go ahead and YouTube him for examples. But for me, whenever I am about to go live or speak on stage, I will do this weird thing. I will stand with my feet shoulder width apart, and I will then clap as loud as I can, as fast as I can, 10 times. That simple exercise fires me up and gives me the energy spike I need to crush it on the live video.

RULE #2: The title. It’s so important that you write a catchy title before going Live. Most people will be on Facebook mindlessly scrolling away without a care in the world. But if they see a headline that grabs their attention, they will stop to take a look into it a bit more.
The title should be able to do the following:
GRAB THE ATTENTION – first and foremost it’s important that your audience stops when they see your name followed by “…is live” .
CREATE CURIOSITY – your audience should be intrigued by what you are talking about because of what you have said in the title.
SHARE WHAT ITS ABOUT – let people know what you will be talking about, it will keep you on track and those interested will stay on for longer if they want the information you will be sharing.
DISPLAY FREQUENCY – create a series so people know there will be more or there are others, for example mine is “#FrazersLiveShow #Episode100”
Ideas for titles are:
How to… (enter in what you want to share) 3 top tips to… My secret to… HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT I have been waiting ages to share this with you all. Don’t do this one thing if you don’t want…

Rule #3: Consistency. Consistency is the key. By now you should know that in order to be successful in Network Marketing you need to be consistent. So be creative and Go Live often, not every single day, but at least once or twice a week. Try different types of broadcasts with different settings, backgrounds, clothes (of course haha). This will help keep your audience engaged.
I have decided to give you the 7 types of Facebook Lives to inspire you to Go Live more. Be creative and have fun with it.
TYPE 1 – HOT TOPICS: Share value you might have to offer, the more relevant it is to your target market the better.
TYPE 2 – Q&A: Answer questions from your fans/audience. You will know what to expect because most will ask questions throughout your “hot topics” Lives.
TYPE 3 – BREAKING NEWS: Maybe you’ve helped someone move rank, there has been a new incentive, you’ve finished reading a book, or you have had a breakthrough, share it with others in a way that you don’t give the game away to your target market. Remember to always create the curiosity.
TYPE 4 – INTERVIEW: Bring a friend, colleague, upline or expert into the conversation. This is great as the other person can share the interview to their audience and your audience can hear from someone else who backs up everything you have been saying.
TYPE 5 – EVENT: Maybe you are attending a company event, or a generic one, pop outside of the room and share what you have learned, then go back in and share the energy of the room. Only do it though if the connection is strong, and if you can grab someone else to share their story of the day then great. Just don’t give the game away with company logos and names. Also if there is music playing in the room be careful as you can get suspended due to copyright of the song.
TYPE 6 – BEHIND THE SCENES: One of my favorites to watch. Maybe you are on the beach, or walking the dog, or having a BBQ, Go Live and share your surroundings, just make sure there is a point and content inside of the video and it’s not just you tanning it up in the garden.
TYPE 7 – DEMO: Very powerful but underused by so many. Demonstrate how your products compare to the alternatives on the market, just be sure to cover up product logos and tell people to comment “info” for more information.

Rule #4 PERCENTAGE OF THE VIDEO VIEWED. This will affect your reach more than almost everything else. The goal is to have as many viewers as possible watch the entire video all the way to the end. If they watch 100% of the video Facebook will see the video as super relevant and give it a boost. If people only watch 5% of it, then it will be marked down. So, make sure your title is relevant to what you will be sharing, keep the energy high and follow the next rules for the best viewing experience possible.

Rule #5 THE RIGHT TIMING. Ever wondered how people are getting thousands of views, likes and comments, but you aren’t? A lot of this comes down to the engagement within the video but also the length of time you are Live for. Most people try to rush their lives but to be honest the longer you go for the better, as long as you don’t ramble on for 30-60 minutes! Remember not to go Live for 30 seconds. In fact, the longer you go Live for the more people you reach, but it is important that you are engaging so people don’t just jump off the Live. More people will be likely to share your video if its longer as they might get that one golden nugget that they want to share with their own group, page or profile. This will mean more people will discover your live and so on.
One of my recent Lives I started and there were 350 people Live, then after about 10 minutes there were 450 people, then after 15 minutes when I was about to finish there were 500+ people Live. That post had 300+ shares. Facebook and myself, recommend going Live for at least 10 minutes!

Rule #6 THE RIGHT LIGHTING. Facebook will actually mark the live down if it’s really poor lighting. I know this from experience with quite a weird live I had to end up doing. So, as I go live every Tuesday it’s become like a TV show, and one night I was driving through the middle of Germany from an event back to Hamburg where I was living at the time. I couldn’t find anywhere to pull over and do the live, so I ended up doing the live from a truck stop. It was pitch black, Svetlana was shining the torch on her phone at me, and it was just awful. Funny thing was the content and delivery was up to normal standards compared to the other lives. But the reach was almost half, shocking!
Make sure the lighting is good. If it’s during the day, face a window. If it’s night, get a lamp or buy a specific light to help you out. Ring lights are popular.

Rule #7 YOUR CONNECTION. After a Facebook Live that is boring and pointless, the next worst thing in my opinion is when someone has a bad connection, its poor quality, or it keeps getting interrupted. If this happens, I will switch off completely, unless someone has decided to live stream the Liverpool games of course… Make sure you are on WIFI. However, if there is no or bad WIFI available then you want to switch the WIFI off, and switch the 4G option OFF from your phone. Because everyone is using 4G now, it’s nice a congested highway, so using 3G is more often than not, the best connection to use for the best viewing experience possible, which therefore leads to better overall reach.
Rule #8 THE AUDIO. Having the right audio is so important. I know from attending and running events if the audio is not as close to perfect as possible it can disrupt the entire experience. These days the newer smart phones have great microphones built in, but it’s good to use the microphone you can plug in for better audio or getting a specific microphone to really improve this. The overall reach of a live that has a big echo, or one with really poor audio will rank low on the Facebook news feed.

The Process Before You Go Live
Having some sort of structure will help you massively before you actually do your Facebook Lives, this is the flow that I follow.

STEP #1 PLAN. Have a plan of what day and time you will be going live. Remember consistency is going to help massively, so if you can go live one the same day, at the same time, every week, that’s going to help long term. Also, it’s important to know your outcome. I had a meeting with a good friend of mine once who is one of the top coaches for CEO’s, and we were reviewing an event I held. When we sat down, he asked me the question, “What’s our objective from this meeting? What do we want to achieve? What is our outcome?” That really stuck with me. It is so important to have a plan when going live, what do you want your audience to do after you’re finished? Message you. Share the live. Comment. Click the link. Buy your product. That’s up to you, and should be a big part of the plan.

STEP #2 PREPARE. Preparation is key. If I went live on my Tuesday night lives each week without preparing what I was going to say, it would be a mess. I actually spend about 10 minutes before I go live mapping out what I will say. But you don’t want to over prepare so much that you end up writing a script and it feels scripted. These notes you can put next to the lens on your phone so you can read them without looking like you are completely looking away. There is a saying: Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance! Prepare, and prepare well, it’s worth it.

STEP #3 PROMOTE. Did you know that the best Network Marketers are actually the best promoters? They promote events, systems, community, people, the business and products. So when it comes to your live, you need to treat it like an event, because that’s what it is. When starting out, do a Facebook post to say you’ll be going live on Monday at 8pm (change to whenever you will be doing your live), and be sure to message some of your friends to invite them to watch you. Add to your Facebook and Instagram stories too for additional exposure. Do a short 15 second video to tell people you will be going live, make sure you say the day and time. Eventually you will be able to tell your own groups and email lists, as well as other people sharing it with others as you always go live on the same day, at the same time. Promoting an event will hold you accountable!

STEP #4 POST. Actually pressing the GO LIVE button on the day and time you had decided is not always easy. You might over think things, which leads to doubting, and then not taking action. You have to just do it… But, before you do, make sure you spend 5 minutes before, loving and commenting on other people’s posts, stories and lives in the newsfeed. This will give you a better chance of them seeing your live when they refresh their news feed. I do this every single week before I go live, and before I do any posts.

The Body Of A Perfect Facebook Live
It is important to have a framework to work from when you are going live so you don’t go off track and mess it all up. But more importantly, it’s good for your team to know how you are doing the lives so they can do the same. You will notice, the below list are things that I follow, and you should too.

Step #1 INTRO: Simply introduce yourself, I usually start with: “Hey hey hey everyone, Frazer Brookes here coming to you live from (enter the country, city, or place where I am). Hope you are all doing great!” That’s it, very simple and straightforward. It’s important to have a solid start and end, whatever happens in the middle doesn’t matter so much. Just get the start and end right and you should be good.

Step #2 ENGAGE: Next you want to address the REPLAY viewers, here’s why. If you go live right now, people don’t start knowing about the live for a few seconds, so it’s impossible for them to see the beginning. But replay viewers see from the very first second. So, after the introduction, I would say: “If you are watching on the replay, comment ‘replay’ down below. I always like to see who has taken their time to watch these lives.” That’s it!

Step #3 UPDATE: Now it’s time for you to get an update on those who are watching whether its live or replay. So, ask them a simple question, something that anyone could answer easily, maybe even multiple choice. What this is going to do is tell the user that you care about their opinion, and it’s not just about you, but them too. But most powerfully, it gets your audience into a state of commenting, and every time someone comments, the reach of the live grows. Only if the comments are real. Avoid saying “drop a 1 below”. So, you could say something like this: “Today I would love to know what your favorite pizza is? I love a margherita, I know, plain and boring, what are your favorite toppings?” Spend 10-20 seconds calling some out, if you get any responses, if not, move on.

Step #4 CONTENT: Now it’s time to tell the audience what you will be covering. “Ok, so tonight I will be covering (enter title of the live here), let’s go!” Now, depending on your outcome of the live will depend on how you go through this, but if you cover, for example, 3 tips to losing weight. You will want to give 2 great tips, and the 3rd one could be “use a powerful supplement”, this is the one I use, and flash your product. Then you will have a powerful call to action in the next part.

Step #5 CALL TO ACTION: This is where the money is made. Giving someone the next steps is fundamental. If you don’t give the next steps people don’t know what to do. It usually comes after the content and could be something like: “If you want to carry on the conversation, message me.” “If you have any questions about this topic, message me.” “If you want the details on the supplement I use, just message me.” “If you got value tonight, feel free to share it with others, I would really appreciate it.” “If you got value, drop a ‘GOLD’ below the comments. I would appreciate it.” “If you enjoyed the live, head over the link in the comments (or above) for more.” “If you want to buy the products I have been discussing today, send me a message and I will get back to you as soon as I can.” Then you can end the live. “Thanks again for watching, and next week I will be back, same time, same day (say the day and time), and I will be talking about (enter title of next week’s live).”

The Follow Up Of Your Live
So, the live is over, now what? Wait for messages to come flooding in? Just watch your back office as people join your business or buy your product? It would be amazing if it was like that, and perhaps in the future it will be like that. However, your work has only just begun.

Your goal is to do the following: ENGAGE – INVOLVE – UPGRADE

Simply means you want your audience to engage in conversation on the live. Then you want to involve them in a private chat in the messenger, and then finally upgrade them from a friend into a customer or distributor.

The rule is, do the selling in the messenger.

So, to give yourself the best shot at this happening you want to:

#1 REPLY TO COMMENTS. I did this when I first started out and it is definitely one of the reasons as to why my engagement is so high. Taking the time to go through the comments and replying does wonders to the social media relationship with that person, as well as the algorithm itself. If someone comments, “love it”, you can reply, “thanks (enter name here), glad you enjoyed it, you good?” Now you have a conversation going, to which you can continue in the messenger!

#2 COMMENT IN THE POST. About 30 minutes after you have finished the live, go into the comments and write your own comment saying something like this: “Thanks for watching today/tonight everyone, I really appreciate it. Remember, to follow the steps I shared, and if you need anything, just message me.” I have had over 400 loves and likes on a comment from one of my Facebook lives, the exposure is amazing. Why? Because it sends a notification to anyone who commented and they will likely see it. It also ends up being a “most relevant” comment and so when people are scrolling they will see the comment and might have a better chance at deciding to watch the replay.

#3 THANK PEOPLE WHO SHARED PUBLICLY. This is a big one, and something I have been brought up to do. Whenever someone takes the time to do something nice to you, thank them. In this case it’s thanking someone for sharing your live onto their wall so their audience can see it. This does wonders for your relationship and actually, you will notice that a certain group of people will share your lives no matter what as they appreciate your content and like the interaction. Almost no one does this, but it’s worth every second doing it!

What Should I Do Next?
To help you go live there’s only really one thing I can DARE YOU to do. Write down a list of 20 different titles using the information I have shared with you above. Start with your story and work your way up to tips, goals, vision boards, how to’s, secrets, and many other things. Now the dare I have for you, is to go live every day for the next 10 days with 10 of the titles you have just written down. The goal of this is not to get loads of engagement and reach, but to gain confidence. Confidence comes from experience, and experience is gained from doing!!! Then, the second dare is once you have completed the 10 days of going live, do one live every week for at least the next 10 weeks. That’s why you have written the 20 titles down. When you know what you are going to be talking about, half the battle is won. Do it, master it over time, stick with it, I promise it will be worth it for you, your business, and your personal brand.

DO YOU WANT TO DISCOVER THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO BUILDING YOUR NETWORK MARKETING BUSINESS USING SOCIAL MEDIA? Be sure to check out my book “I Dare You” inside you will: Discover The Most Effective Posts To Make: highly engaging posts that will get you the attention you need. Learn The Number One Activity To Grow Your Following: using this simple technique you will be inundated with friend requests. Master The Art Of Connecting With Strangers: following this process you will never run out of hot prospects to introduce your product, service or opportunity to. Uncover The Blueprint To Turning Strangers Into Friends: this will grow your likeability, credibility and eventually profitability. Understand The Perfect Closing Process: you will never have to worry about asking the all-important question again, once you know this tactic.