Opportunity Summary

Welcome to our future friends and team members!

We are the European holistic health network ANHIRA – a community of like-minded people who value health and like helping others. We invite you to join us and start a lucrative home-based business that can bring you better health, new friends and adventures, higher income, and freedom to travel, spend time with your loved ones, have a better lifestyle, and more opportunities in life.

ANHIRA comes from ANH – Venus, love, beauty, harmony – and RA – Sun, light, energy, life. Thus the meaning of ANHIRA is love, light, beauty, energy, life, and harmony. According to the Bulgarian spiritual Master Peter Dounov this is the esoteric name of our planet. Well, we cannot answer for the whole planet, but we can do something for ourselves, for our families, for our friends. Just like you can, as well!

Please take a look at what we do, and then contact the person who directed you to our site. She or he will help you join AquaSource and will introduce you to our system. Our work is a team effort under the leadership of our Directors, and then we have more experienced leaders who help our new team members to start their AquaSource business and grow their networks.

Each one of us came to this idea because of health reasons. We first started taking algae (together with our families), then added other superfoods and supplements, and then started to recommend them to our friends, because we were convinced by the results. AquaSource does not require you to buy or sell anything, you can just order for yourself until you make up your mind whether or not you like the products and want to recommend or sell them to others.

As a founder of ANHIRA Network, a holistic medical doctor, an experienced homeopath, a specialist in Homeoprophylaxis, Homeopathic detox therapy, and Bach flower remedies, an entrepreneur, a network marketing leader, and (very important for me) a professional astrologer with over 40 years of experience, I promise to do whatever it takes to help you, as well. Please bear in mind that I have been working with AquaSource for more than 25 years, and the network I started back in 1996 now has over 30,000 members in many countries. The Directors in this network are almost 700, and as you read this their number is growing. So I know something more about superfoods, supplements, holistic health, people, networking, and business.

We wish you health and success and are there for you at each step in your AquaSource journey.

Dr. Peter Naydenov